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TT Workflow Step-by-Step

This article will walk you through every step of our TT Workflow

Jeremy Tearpock avatar
Written by Jeremy Tearpock
Updated over a week ago

Össur's guided Workflows were created to simplify the design process. Ten simple steps carefully laid out in the proper order to help you design sockets quickly. With the added feature of saving your own workflows to share with your team and deliver consistent results for your patients.

Let's get started!

Not a reader? Watch this guided video instead.

After you have --Cleaned-- your scan, click the [Workflow] button from the Patient Screen.

Select the Workflow you wish to run and click [Next].

These Workflows were created by Össur and are available to every user. Later, we will show you how to save your own Workflows for you and your teammates.

Your cleaned scan will automatically load into the Workflow.

Step 1: Place Landmarks

Click on the model to place your landmarks. When finished click [Next].

If you accidently place a landmark in the wrong location, simply re-select it and click on the proper location on the scan.

Landmarks are used to align the model, place modification areas, trimlines and measurements.

Step 2: Lengthen Scan

If needed, material will be added automatically at the proximal so you have enough room for trimlines. If the scan is already tall enough, nothing is changed here.

Click [Next].

A reminder that scanning as high as you can on the limb is best practice.

Step 3: Adjust Length

The current length from MPT to Distal will be displayed. Type in the length you took over the patient's limb in the Desired field if you only want to get the length spot-on with the actual limb. To compress or extend the distal, type in the target length and click [Next].

Note: This example model has the pin receiver tip still extending a little, it's actually a good idea to blend it flat during the cleanup process before starting a workflow, especially if the length measurement was not including that tip. It's important to try and measure the same way real-world as in CAD for optimal results.

Step 4: Enter Circumferences

Circumferences every 5cm will be displayed. Type in the circumferences you took over the patient's limb in the Measurement field and click [Next].

This step serves to Calibrate the model, basically canceling out offsets and inaccuracies from the scanning process. After this step you have a solid baseline model to work with.

If typing in a circumference distorts the model, uncheck the box at that level; and the workflow will skip it and interpolate (as shown below at the C-20 level).

Step 5: Specify Reductions

You can specify % reductions at each level. To do a global reduction, type in the % you wish to reduce in the Set all percentages field and click [Set All].

When you're finished click [Next].

Step 6: Modifications

Regions will automatically load up on your model based on where you placed your landmarks in Step 1. To move a region, simply select it; then click and drag the individual vertices on the model to shift the region.

You can also adjust the modification amount by using the slider underneath the selected region.

If you don't want a certain modification applied, simply run the slider to zero and it won't affect the model.

While in this step, only one modification is "active" at a time. When finishing the step, all the modifications get rendered together.

Click [Next] when finished.

Step 7: Measurement Review

Here you can see the final measurements on your scan, after all modifications have been applied.

After you review click [Next].

Note: If you want to dial in something like an A-P measurement, you can always hit the [Back] button, apply changes and [Next] again to see how it turns out. All settings and changes you did in later steps are stored and reapplied when you go forward.

Step 8: Global Smoothing

If desired, use the slider to smooth up the entire scan. Click [Next].

The smoothing is subtle; as we don't want to smooth away all of the modifications we just did. Most of the time, if the scan was good to begin with and the right steps were applied in the cleanup process, this can be left at 0%.

Step 9: Set Trimlines

Just like the modification regions before, select your desired trimline then click and drag the vertices as needed.

These trimlines follow the Össur socket guidelines. The standard trimline has an anterior height of 1 /2"; medial & lateral wings at 3"; and posterior shelf at MPT level.

You can also add a flare-out on the trimlines using the slider bar. Leave this at zero and the edge isn't flared out at all, adjust it to 2mm and the edge is "pulled" out all the way around. Click [Next] when finished.

Step 10: Trim

As a default, Design Studio will 'trim' your model.

Use this unique view to inspect the socket and make sure you're satisfied with the modifications and trimlines.

Select Don't Trim to add the material back at the proximal if you intend to further modify the proximal part in Manual mode. If you plan to send in the model untrimmed, make sure to leave a good ridge to trace the trimline.

Trimmed models will be cut exactly by the edges provided.

Click [Next].

You're finished! Click on the appropriate button to exit the Workflow.


Saves your design and moves directly to the Manual Design screen. From there you can place your order.


Saves your design and returns to the Patient screen

Save Progress

Saves your workflow at any time


Does not save your workflow and exits back to the Patient screen

Save as New

Saves this current workflow as a new Workflow Template to be used later. This will save your regions, modifications, and trimlines, but not the model itself. Use this sparingly and only when you're already familiar with the resulting designs.

If you hit [Complete] and then decide to place an order, open the model in [Manual] instead of [Workflow] from the patient page.

You can touch up the design if needed, then Download or Order from the Manual window.

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