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How do I Reduce by Circumference?

Learn how to reduce by circumferences

Written by Össur Design Studio Team
Updated over 4 years ago

Before reducing a model, we recommend calibrating the model to hand measurements in order to "calibrate" the scan to the patient's measurements. After applying circumferences, use the Reduce tool to enter the desired circumferences.

Global reduction is standard when modifying a model. Here are the recommended modifications when casting over Össur Liners:

We recommend using the same process when modifying over a scan. However, in general, the prosthetist marks boney prominences that will be protected during the global reduction. Use the Select tool to select any boney prominences that should not be trimmed during the reduction process.

If you wish to avoid excessive compression in certain areas of the socket you can use the toggle for Protect Selected Region. The model will reduce the desired percentage without changing the selected areas.

Reduce tool

Used to Increase OR decrease the size of you model. A 3% reduction is typically recommended for a silicone liner. To increase the size, you may use negative reduction.

For ply changes,

  • Radius would change by 0.38mm per ply

  • Circumference would change by 2.386 mm

For a graded reduction:

  • enter the desired percentage at each circumference level.

  • For example, 3% proximal down to 0% distal.

  • Consider leaving Taper top and bottom toggled ON

Protect Selected Region to avoid pressure on boney prominences

  • Toggle ON to avoid pressure over boney prominences

Taper Top and Bottom:

  • Creates a graded reduction from the most distal and most proximal circumferences. The result is 0% reduction at the upper and lower most areas of the model, while still reducing the requested percentage at all other circumferences.

  • Toggle ON if using a liner with an umbrella, Toggle OFF if using a cushion liner

Finally, click Reduce

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